Our Services

Sa’hetxw has provided training extensively for First Nations communities and Boards of Directors across BC and Manitoba. Our workshops focus on the roles and responsibilities of Chief and Council or Board of Directors, including their legal obligations, policy and procedures, planning and running effective meetings. Each workshop is tailored to ensure a strong governance foundation and organizational success.
Our workshops engage participants in the proactive work of your governing body and good governance, emphasizing:
- Legal and Fiduciary obligations;
- Your relationship with the members;
- Your relationship with staff; and
- How to limit and avoid liability.
As the governing body – one of your main jobs is to ensure that you have a roadmap of your organization’s future – you need to ensure that you and your staff know who your organization is, who you serve, what you do, and why you are doing it.
This not only applies to today but, most importantly, into the future. Effective strategic planning will create a plan that articulates where the organization is going and the actions needed to progress. Still, also you will be able to measure how it is successful.
- Where do you want to be?
- How do you establish outcomes that your organization can aim for?
- How do you select and enable broad strategies that will enable your organization to achieve these outcomes?
- How does your organization measure progress?

Through consultation, facilitation and tailored learning programs and frameworks, Jamie assists First Nations communities and organizations in developing capacity and support community success by harnessing technology, software and social media.